Treating the client, not the diagnosis.
The Therapy Institute's Mobile Apps
The Therapy Institute is a leader and pioneer in occupational therapy technology. Our staff includes award winning inventors. We design and create our own apps based on evidence based data to ensure accuracy and positive outcomes. We have held the top medical app ranking positions in multiple mobile platforms including iPad, iPhone, and Android based mobile devices. We are extremely proud to offer all of our apps free of charge to all.
If you want to assure proper developmental milestones........we have an app for that!!
If you want to improve visual perceptual skills, visual motor integration, fine motor skills..........we have an app for that!!
If you want to learn more about occupational therapy and various diagnosis and treatments.........we have an app for that!!
iOT Session
iOT Session is an app that improves and addresses deficits in visual tracking, bilateral coordination, visual perception, fine motor/dexterity, visual scanning, and handwriting. The app was shaped through known and proven evidence based techniques and experiences of working with preschool, grade aged children (K-12), as well as children with varied diagnosis.
Occupational Therapy Insights
Occupational Therapy Insights is an app for occupational therapists, parents, educational professionals, that delves into the world of occupational therapy. Here occupational therapy is broken down into its simplest form for all to understand. The app provides OT videos, study guides, OT brelevant books, brain entrainment soundscapes, and more. Your one stop shop for everything OT!!