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Virtual Reality: Creating Treatment Protocols that get RESULTS


Imagine participating in an activity of sorting objects, stacking or manipulating blocks, throwing and catching a ball, and even creating sculptures with nothing in front of you but a computer screen or virtual reality glasses.  This is now a reality with On Time Pediatrics.  We utilize an interface that works using infrared optics and cameras. Our motion sensing technology is at an unmatched fidelity: it can track all 10 of your fingers simultaneously to within a hundredth of a millimeter with a latency lower than the refresh rate on your monitor.  We use this technology during assessments/evaluations, and also to improve motor planning, proprioception, fine motor skills, visual motor integration, as well as to view joint articulation and performance of functional movements.  Buit lets back up a moment...we were overwhelemed with excitment.....let's talk about what is virtual reality.


The definition of virtual reality comes, naturally, from the definitions for both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. So the term ‘virtual reality’ basically means ‘near-reality’. This could, of course, mean anything but it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation.


Answering "what is virtual reality" in technical terms is straight-forward. Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.

Introduction to VR-OT

Here is a brief introduction looking at the possibilities of virtual reality occupational therapy sessions.  Your interaction with the virtual reality video depends on how you are viewing it.  It can be viewed using VR goggles on Youtube, or on YouTube or Facebook without googles.  

With VR Goggles: Place your phone in your VR viewer and press the VR icon in the bottom left of the video screen.

On Facebook or YouTube (without googles) on a tablet or phone:  You can position or simply move around your tablet or phone to look around the virtual environment.

On Facebook or YouTube (without googles) on a computer:  Once the video begins, you can right click on the video while it is playing and drag the mouse to look around the VR environment.

Virtual Reality Occupational Therapy:

The Introduction 

Virtual Reality Occupational Therapy is HERE!!  The purpose of the virtual reality OT sessions is to allow access to occupational therapy anytime and anywhere. Whether you are in a region that occupational therapists are sparse, or your're a therapist and you want your clients to be removed from the humdrum of the clinic, school, or their home, VR-OT is for everyone.

Virtual Grocery Shopping: VR-OT Session One

In this VR-OT session we take a trip to the grocery store.  this session is typically utilized for:

1.   Improving visual perceptual skills of visual figure ground, form constancy, and visual scanning.

2.   Useful for clients with ASD, PTSD, and sensory integration difficulties, in order to familiarize themselves with the setting/environment and become more comfortable with the setting prior to actually going to the grocery store. 

3.   For training purposes for individuals with cognitive impairments or learning disabilities in order to practice on life skills.

Virtual Reality Occupational Therapy:


Happy Holidays from the VR-OT Team!!  Join us as we go toy shopping and continue to work on skills such as visual memory, attention span, detail acuity, visual closure, scanning, and components of executive functional skills.

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