Treating the client, not the diagnosis.
The Therapy Institute's educational videos is an information hotspot where occupational therapy subject matter is explained in a user friendly manner and its concepts are discussed through real life examples and scenarios.
Why do OT's use Ballpits?
Have you ever watched an occupational therapist "play" in a ballpit with a child....and wonder....what in the world are they doing? Well....ponder no is the answer to your question.
Why do OT's use
You walk into an OT session and you see your little one playing with something. You have no earthly idea what it is. It bends, stretches, twists, rolls, and maintain its consistency. What is it?! IT'S THERAPUTTY!!
Why do Occupational Therapists use Sensory Rooms?
You walk into the occupational therapy clinic and notice a special room. This room has lights, sweet aromas, sounds from A - Z, perhaps a projector and bubble machines. What is this room for and why does my child love it so much? It's a SENSORY ROOM!! Let's talk about it.
How can OT's improve handwriting?
If you have ever asked a child, "What does that say?" or "Can you slow down and take your time when you write?", then you have dealt with handwriting issues. Here is how Dr. Frederick Covington, an occupational therapist, looks at and improves handwriting. Let's take a look!!
Why OT's Encourage Early Intervention
In early intervention, occupational therapy practitioners promote the function and engagement of infants and toddlers and their families in everyday routines by addressing areas of occupation, including activities of daily living, rest and sleep, play, education, and social participation.
How OT Improves the Lives of Those with Diabetes
(OT) and Diabetes care goes hand-in-hand. OT’s can help people participate in the things they want and need everyday. This includes assisting with making life changes that improve the health status, i
Zzzzzzzz….Sleep and Occupational Therapy
Sleep is one part of our day that we may not pay close attention too. However, it is an integral part of part of our lives. This discussion talks about how an occupational therapists can assist in a restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep, with examples of OT sleep pattern analysis.
Inclusion: The Importance of Societal Participation
Inclusion is one of the most important things a society can allow for. It benefits all by allowing diverse peoples of varying abilities to contribute their special individual selves to the community. Differences should not be a hindrance.
How can OT's improve handwriting? Text Neck!! Text Neck is caused from forward head posture and spending too much time in a flexed cervical spine position looking at your phone, tablet, or computer screen. In today's tech savvy, email checking, text reading, and social media loving society, many all too often suffer from Text Neck.
Let's Talk About Visual Perception
Dr. Covington discusses the ins and outs of visual perceptual deficits by providing real life scenarios and examples, in addition to providing the working medical definition.
Discussing Bilateral Integration
Dr. Covington explains Bilateral Integration/Coordination via definition, simplification of medical terms, and gives examples.
Executive Functional Disorder
Executive Functional Disorders/Deficits are those that effect some of the actions of the frontal cortex. Planning, organizing, arranging, and other factors, that others perform subconsciously, can have a major effect on those with this disorder.
Sensory Sensitivity and Hypersensitivity
Taking a look at sensory integration dysfunctions, Dr. Covington discusses Sensory Sensitivity/Hypersensitivty.
Proprioception: A Discussion of the Often Overlooked Sense
Proprioception is often the overlooked sense but more than likely one of the first to evolutionarily appear. Dr. Covington discusses its vast importance in our everyday lives through medical definition and real life examples.
What is Visual Closure?
Dr. Covington elaborates on the importance of the perceptual skill of visual closure and how we utilize it in everyday life.
Visual Figure Ground Perception: A Discussion and Explanation
Visual Figure Ground is a pertinent component of academic success used in almost every scholastic activity. Dr. Covington defines, simplifies, and gives examples and exercises to increase this skill.
Visual Discrimination: Explanation and Discussion
Visual Discrimination is one of the key components to success in reading and mathematics. Dr. Covington discusses the importance of this skill and identifies various ways it can have an impact on learning/academic progress.
What are Contractures?
Contractures are one of the foremost culprits of disability. This chronic loss of joint motion due to structural changes in non-bony tissue can easily inhibit independence and activities of daily living. Dr. Covington discusses contractures and its effects.
Range of Motion
Range of motion refers to the amount a joint can move. Having decreased range of motion at any joint can greatly impact our daily lives. Follow Dr. Covington through a discussion on range of motion with illustrated diagrams performing range of motion
What is a Sensory Diet?
Many people are either overwhelmed OR minimally aroused by their environment. To confront and bring balance to these individuals a sensory diet can be used. Dr. Covington explains and discusses the use and components of a sensory diet.
Hypotonia: A Discussion and Explanation of Low Toned Muscles
Hypotonia/Hypotonicity is often treated by occupational therapist. This state of low muscle tone is seen in many systemic diseases and diseases of the nervous system. Dr. Covington reviews the ins-and-outs of hypotonia and thoroughly discusses and provides concrete examples.
Dysgraphia: Looking at Poor Handwriting
Dysgraphia is suspected countless times when a teacher notices poor handwriting. But poor handwriting is but on component of dysgraphia. Join Dr. Covington as he explains how dysgraphia can be manifested outside of handwriting. In addition, learn components of treatment from real life examples.
What is Visual Form Constancy?
When progressing through school, sometimes a student's grade may drastically change for no apparent reason. When orally questioned, they appear to know all the answers. So, what could be the problem? Dr. Covington delves into visual form constancy, and explains how it can affect academic progress.
Early Intervention: Stopping Minor Issues Early from Becoming A Major Problem
How can we stop simple issues in growth and development, when a child is young, from becoming a major issue when the child is older? The answer is.......(wait for it).....EARLY INTERVENTION!! Dr. Covington discusses the extreme benefits of early intervention.
Let's Talk Kinesthesia
What is Kinesthesia and how does it relate to our daily activities? How would our lives be without it? We've all heard of Kinetics in our physical sciences and physics classes. Is Kinesthesia somewhat similar or completely different? Let's chat about that.
Adaptive Feeding Equipment: An Occupational Therapy Review
Feeding adaptive equipment can instill pride and dignity in those who have difficulty feeding themselves. In this discussion, Dr. Frederick B. Covington talks about the ins and outs of adaptive feeding equipment.
Whatcha Sayin'?!! Let's Talk About Auditory Figure Ground Discrimination
Auditory Figure Ground Discrimination is one of those things not often talked about and many times confused with students not paying attention in class, being easily distracted, or simply “zoning out”. The root of the problem could be Auditory Figure Ground Discrimination.
What is Visual Memory?
Dr. Covington defines, explains, and gives examples of Visual Memory.
What is Sensory Seeking and Hyposensitivty?
Dr. Covington explains Sensory Seeking/Hyposensitivity via definition, simplification of medical jargon, and gives examples.
What is Visual Motor Integration?
Dr. Covington explains Visual Motor Integration via definition, simplification of medical terms, and gives examples.